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Meet Our Team

Eternity Church is led by a team of faithful and gifted men and women who love God and His people. They are responsible for overseeing the vision, direction, and ministries of our church. They also serve as examples, mentors, and friends to our congregation. Here are some of the people who make our church what it is

Senior Pastor

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Adam Thurling

Adam and Jess Thurling are the Senior Leaders of Eternity Church Morwell, a thriving church community located in the Latrobe Valley. They have been serving in ministry for over 15 years and have a deep passion for seeing people experience the life-changing love of Jesus. Adam Thurling is an experienced teacher and mentor, having served in various roles in church communities across Australia. He is a gifted communicator of the Bible, and his teaching is characterised by its clarity, relevance and practical application. Jess Thurling is an equally experienced leader, with a particular passion for empowering and equipping women in ministry. She is a gifted communicator, worship leader and has a heart for seeing people experience the presence of God. Together, Adam and Jess have a passion for building healthy church communities that foster genuine relationships, spiritual growth and a deep sense of purpose. They love serving their local community and are committed to seeing God's Kingdom in the Latrobe Valley and beyond.

Associate Pastor

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Joel Hardy

Joel Hardy is the associate pastor of Eternity Church, Joel demonstrates a profound commitment and passion for sharing the love off Christ with others and seeing them live in the fullness of the father's love. Joel has a genuine desire to see lives transformed by the profound grace and compassion found in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through his ministry, Joel endeavors to create an environment where individuals not only to encounter the message of love but also experience it tangibly, fostering a community where acceptance, forgiveness and spiritual growth flourish. 

Hospitality Co-ordinators

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Joy French & Kathy Mills

Joy French and Kathy Mills are the Dynamic duo behind the hospitality efforts at the church, where they skillfully blend their passion for catering with their profound desire to foster an environment where individuals can encounter the love of Christ. With a shared commitment to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, creating a space where individuals feel accepted, loved, valued and embraced by the love of God. Their hospitality and compassionate hearts combine to form a vital ministry that touches lives and builds community, exemplifying the transformative power of love expressed through acts of service and kindness.

Creative Team Co-Ordinator

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Jess Thurling

Jess Thurling serves as the worship director, she has a deep passion for worship and fostering spaces where others can connect with God, with a heart on fire for Christ, jess curates experiences that transcend the ordinary, guiding others into intimate encounters with the presence of the father. Through her leadership, she facilitates opportunities for others to express their adoration and surrender to the Almighty. Jess understands that worship is more than just music and she endeavors to Shepard others into deeper spiritual intimacy with the Father.

Outreach Co-ordinator

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Jess Vila

Jess Villa is the outreach director; she loves people and has an unwavering commitment to seeing lives transformed by the grace of the Lord. With a heart overflowing with compassion, Jess tirelessly pursues opportunities to extend the love of Christ beyond the church walls, reaching out to those in need with kindness, empathy, and a message of hope. Her passion for seeing people set free from bondage and experiencing the redemptive power of Jesus fuels her ministry, driving her to go above and beyond to meet people where they are and guide them towards a life-changing encounter with the Lord. Whether through acts of service, evangelism or simply extending a listening ear.

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